Overview of Sample Tutorials
The texts of the tutorials displayed here illustrate the style and the range of the NIA2 tutorials. Neither the simulations nor the hyperlinks are operative.A diagram at the top of each tutorial shows the geometric situation:
- The experiments of The Membrane Tutorial are performed on a patch of membrane;
- The experiments of the Chattering Channels tutorial are performed on a patch of membrane containing single Na and K channels whose number may be specified in the tutorial;
- The experiments of the Partial Demyelination tutorial are performed on a length of axon that is bare on its left half and myelinated on the right half;
- The experiments of the Synaptic Integration tutorial are performed on a spinal motoneuron with synaptic inputs to three dendrites.
Each tutorial has an associated set of goals, instructions for setting up the panels and graphs specific to that tutorial, and a set of experiments.