The Stuart-Moore NIA team
John W. Moore is Professor Emeritus in the Neurobiology Department at Duke University. Neurons in Action reflects his career in neurophysiology where experiments and simulations were carried out in parallel. His path includes a PhD in Physics, a postdoc in engineering, a professional start in research at the Medical College of Virginia, a move to the Naval Medical Research Institute and then to the NIH as associate lab chief, and, finally, recruitment to Duke to join Dan Tosteson's Physiology Department in the 1960s. John's research, focused on biophysics and on squid axons, took him in summers to the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole where he met Ann.Ann E. Stuart is a Professor in the Cell and Molecular Physiology Department at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. Her research has centered on the processing of visual information in arthropods, with particular attention to mechanisms underlying synaptic transmission from photoreceptors. She trained at Yale, Harvard, and UCLA, then started her academic career as an Assistant Professor in Steve Kuffler's seminal Department of Neurobiology at Harvard Medical School before marrying John Moore and moving to UNC. Ann's research on vision in barnacles also took her to the Marine Biological Laboratory at Woods Hole in summers where she met John.
Jonathan Stuart-Moore, son of the authors and graphics and technology guru for Version 2, is presently a graphics and web designer and instructor at the Shodor Education Foundation in Durham, NC, which describes itself as "a non-profit research and education organization dedicated to the advancement of science and math education, specifically through the use of modeling and simulation technologies." Jonathan, a cellist, received his BA from Middlebury College in 2005 majoring in computer science and music. He helped develop the first version of Neurons in Action and began helping with the Version 2 project after he spent the summer of 2005 cycling across the United States.